showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
OpenClonk GWE team2009 aerostat autosavepoints bartering birds bows burning carts catapults chainreactions clonkseries crafting demo digging elevators explosives fog group hotairballoons humans inventory jetpack jumping ladders liquidphysics mapgenerator mine minecarts mountain naturalistic playerprofiles prospecting resourceharvesting sailing saveanywhere shopping snakes sourcecodeavailable subterranean swimming tutorial underwater underwaterdiving walking watercraft watercraft-small weather windmills wintery x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Hotline Miami Devolver Digital (Dennaton Games)2012 1980s 20thcentury alone assaultrifles bludgeons capacity-toolslots city-miami-fl deathfakers doors doorslamming earth finishingmoves firearms florida fragileprotagonist gamemaker grotesque guntossing handguns improvisedweapons independentaim instantdeath itemglow killingblow knives knockdown limitedcapacity meleeweapons noammopickups noreloading northamerica peeking powerthrow retrypoints scanlines score shotguns snakes splatter stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered tactical targetlock throwanything thrownweapons titlementioned tutorial unarmedfighting unsteadycamera usa walking labelminimizeminimize
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Devolver Digital (Dennaton Games)2015 1990s 20thcentury alone assaultrifles bludgeons capacity-toolslots city-miami-fl deathfakers doors doorslamming download earth endofseries finishingmoves firearms florida fragileprotagonist gamemaker grotesque guntossing handguns improvisedweapons independentaim instantdeath itemglow killingblow knives knockdown limitedcapacity meleeweapons noammopickups noreloading northamerica peeking powerthrow retrypoints scanlines score shotguns snakes splatter stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered tactical targetlock throwanything thrownweapons titlementioned tutorial unarmedfighting unsteadycamera usa walking labelimageminimize
The Flame in the Flood The Molasses Flood2016 alphafunding ambienttemperature animals autumnal backtrackingdenied bows capacity-slots circadiancycle companion crafting crowdfunded dynamicweather earth fatigue femaleprotagonist gog humblestore humblewidget hunger hypothermia injuries insects inventory island lamp limitedcapacity lowpoly mapgenerator permadeath postsocietal premadeprotagonist rafting rapid ravens recipes resting river roguelite ruins scavenging shallowwater snakes soundtrack splatter steampowered stylized thirst trapping usagereporting vaguedate walking wildboars wilderness wildlife wolves labelminimizeminimize